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Will my credit score impact my loan application
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

Will my credit score impact my loan application?

As we’ve said before, individuals don&rsqu...

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What is credit score
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

A credit score is a three-digit number used by lenders to help them decide how likely it is an applicant wi...

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The Pros and cons of a Debt Management Plan
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

Making the final decision

For many people, a Debt Management Plan is an effectiv...

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What is a Debt Management Plan?
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

A Debt Management Plan or DMP is a payment strategy agreed between you and your creditors. It enables you t...

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Loan Type-SACC vs MACC
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

There are many loan types for consumers such as secured, unsecured, lines of credit, home loans, etc. Howev...

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How to Improve Loans
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

Whether you’re looking for more space, or to spruce things up a little, a personal loan for home impr...

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How to Avoid Problems With Credit
01 Jul 2023 | by MyCashOnline

Looking after our credit is something we all need to keep on top of. If we don’t, we stand the chance...

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